High potencies

High potencies

What does this mean in homeopathy? Potency means power. Homeopathy, often also called classical homeopathy, carries within itself a power that is important. Under Samuel Hahnemann I explain how he discovered this power and why he potentiated his medicine, i.e. strengthened it by shaking and stirring 6C, 12C, 30C, 200C, 1000C or M, 0,000C or XM, 50,000C or LMQ potencies or also called LM potencies, not to be confused with the 50,000C/LM classic homeopathy - high potencies start from 1000C and are also called M (Mille) potencies. I have been working with high potencies for over 25 years, inspired by Dr. Geukens from Belgium. When I heard him for the first time at an international homeopathy congress in Berlin, I knew - this is my direction! He was in contrast to all well-known homeopaths, who previously only worked with potencies up to 200c. Meanwhile, Dr. Geukens left us. His video cases and his explanation of why he developed his own idea of the doses after long years of waiting to repeat the doses convinced me and I slowly started to follow his example. He was a student of Vithoulkas (alternative Nobel Prize winner) and after years of so-called small doses, such as 30c, 200c and now and then an M, had completely changed his mind. He too waited and waited and waited for healing, which happened very slowly or not at all, for fear of high potencies and too frequent doses, as the old textbooks tell us. The great fear of overdoseHis clinic in Belgium and his patients taught him to replace this fear with courage. Courage to give well-chosen remedies more often and to prescribe higher potencies. Instead of waiting, repeat! Once I have recorded a patient's constitutional remedy, I only change the remedy if the acute condition is not affected by his constitutional remedy. Ie I give it last effective potency, let's say an M of the constitutional remedy more often. If that doesn't work, I'll go up to the XM or even higher. If this does nothing, I have to look for another remedy for this process. If another remedy is clearly indicated from the start, I will of course prescribe this, but only if it is completely clear to see. An example A child has neurodermatitis, gets Sulfur M every day. The skin is getting better, but is not yet in a stable condition. When you stop taking it, your skin immediately becomes worse. Now the child gets a runny nose and cough due to teething. Then I give Sulfur XM , dry and dissolved. Possibly even two to three times dry a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms. The cold goes away without having given an acute "teeth remedy". Then I continue with Sulfur daily until the condition stabilizes. Only then do I discontinue the remedy or give less. Sneak out the remedy, so to speak. One dose every two days, every three days, then once a week. Especially with Sulfur the fear of overdosing and suppression is taught. Of course this must be taken into account, but suppression always produces a stronger and worse situation, so that suppression can only be recognized in hindsight anyway. I have had many Sulfur children in my practice, most with skin and/or bronchial symptoms and have not yet induced any suppression old complaints. My experience shows me that a patient has to take the homeopathic medicine regularly for some time until his self-healing powers keep him stable. Then the symptoms are gone for a long time, until they reappear in stressful situations, albeit much less severely. If the remedy is then repeated, it helps again immediately. The important thing is that different illnesses require different doses. And of course you have to know what you are doing. Especially with chronic asthma, my goal is to stop taking all allopathic medicines as quickly as possible, and the success with the high potencies proves me right. Once that fear has been overcome, it works wonders. ASTHMA is curableIn short, it is difficult to explain exactly how to use high potencies because, as I said, every case is different. I have long wondered why more high potencies are necessary in our time. I have come to believe that this has to do with the energy increase of our earth. Our time has become many times faster since Hahnemann. We travel faster, we work faster. We are connected to the whole world via internet. The technology has changed incredibly, it only takes a few seconds to transfer data. All of this apparently uses up more dynamics than before. That's why we also need more dynamis in the medicinal substance. If you want to read more case studies - then click here
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